2–6 Aug 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Composite dark matter and gravitational waves signatures

5 Aug 2021, 09:20


Parallel contribution G: Strongly Coupled Theories Parallels Track G


Enrico Rinaldi (University of Michigan)


With non-perturbative lattice calculations we investigate the finite-temperature confinement transition of a composite dark matter model. We focus on the regime in which this early-universe transition is first order and would generate a stochastic background of gravitational waves. Future searches for stochastic gravitational waves will provide a new way to discover or constrain composite dark matter, in addition to direct-detection and collider experiments. As a first step to enabling this phenomenology, we determine how heavy the dark fermions need to be in order to produce a first-order stealth dark matter confinement transition.

Primary author

Enrico Rinaldi (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials