Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Heavy-quark mesons in the diabatic approach: string breaking and the quarkoniumlike spectrum

Aug 2, 2021, 5:40 PM


Parallel contribution C: Heavy quarks Parallels Track C


Roberto Bruschini (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Universidad de Valencia - CSIC))


The Born-Oppenheimer approximation provides a description of heavy-quark mesons firmly based on lattice QCD, but its validity is limited to the lightest states lying far below the first open-flavour meson-meson threshold. This limitation can be overcome in the diabatic framework, a formalism first introduced in molecular physics, where the dynamics is encoded in a potential matrix whose elements can be derived from unquenched lattice QCD studies of string breaking. The nondiagonal elements of the potential matrix provide interaction between heavy quark-antiquark and meson-meson pairs, from which the mixing of quarkonium states with molecular components and the OZI-allowed strong decay widths are directly calculated. This allows for a QCD-based unified description of conventional quarkonium and unconventional mesons containing quark-antiquark and meson-meson components, what has proved to be successful for charmoniumlike [1, 2] and bottomoniumlike [3] resonances.
[1] R. Bruschini and P. González, Diabatic description of charmoniumlike mesons, Phys. Rev. D 102, 074002 (2020).
[2] R. Bruschini and P. González, Diabatic description of charmoniumlike mesons II: mass corrections and strong decay widths, Phys. Rev. D 103, 074009 (2021).
[3] R. Bruschini and P. González, Diabatic description of bottomoniumlike mesons, arXiv:2105.04401 [hep-ph] (2021).

Primary author

Roberto Bruschini (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (Universidad de Valencia - CSIC))

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