11:30 AM
Introduction to HEP Masterclasses
Kenneth Cecire
Kenneth Cecire
(University of Notre Dame)
11:50 AM
Brief introdcution to the Particle Therapy Masterclass
Panagiota Foka
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: ATLAS Z Masterclass
Magnar Bugge
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: ALICE Strangeness
Despina Hatzifotiadou
(INFN Bologna)
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: CMS
Kenneth Cecire
Kenneth Cecire
(University of Notre Dame)
Michael Fetsko
Susan Wetzler
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: Belle II
Zdenek Dolezal
Zdenek Dolezal
(Charles University Prague)
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: MINERvA
Shane Wood
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: ALICE R_AA
Marcus Mikorski
12:05 PM
Demo Session I: Particle Therapy
Aristeidis Mamaras
Damir Skrijelj
(Master Student)
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: CMS
Kenneth Cecire
Kenneth Cecire
(University of Notre Dame)
Michael Fetsko
Susan Wetzler
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: ATLAS Z Masterclass
Magnar Bugge
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: ALICE Strangeness
Despina Hatzifotiadou
(INFN Bologna)
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: ALICE R_AA
Marcus Mikorski
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: Belle II
Zdenek Dolezal
Zdenek Dolezal
(Charles University Prague)
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: Particle Therapy
Aristeidis Mamaras
Damir Skrijelj
(Master Student)
1:00 PM
Demo Session II: MINERvA
Shane Wood
1:45 PM
Panagiota Foka