22 September 2021
Viktoria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Assessment of the Automated Vehicles’ Social Acceptability in the Developing World: The Case of Istanbul

22 Sep 2021, 10:05
Viktoria Hotel

Viktoria Hotel

Skansegata 1, 4006 Stavanger
Sustainable mobility in smart cities Parallell session 1


Mr Mazdak Sadeghpour


While different kinds of Automated Vehicles (AVs) are already running on the streets of developed countries, there is almost no officially commenced or announced AVs’ related projects in most of the developing countries, including Turkey. With regard to the enormous investments of automakers and technology leading companies on vehicles automation technologies, it is not far from the truth to say AVs will be part of our societies in the near future and hence, it is vital to be prepared for the emerging of AVs and their possible impacts on our urbans’ mobility before their widespread deployment.
Therefore, this study aims to disclose the affecting factors on social acceptability of AVs in Istanbul, a megacity of the developing world. In order to do so, a designed questionnaire which consisted of two main parts will be conducted in Istanbul. The first part includes questions related to respondents’ socio-demographic information and revealed preferences about their travel characteristics, while the second part investigates the perceptions of people and tries to examine the factors affecting individuals’ decisions toward AVs through stated preference questions.
The collected data from questionnaires will be analyzed by deploying qualitative and quantitative methods. In these methods it has been planned to analyze individuals’ behavior by referring to the answers to the revealed and stated preference questions. The estimated results of this study can be used by transport planners, stakeholders and decision makers to prepare and develop their urban mobility plans based on more realistic data.

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