22 September 2021
Viktoria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

The role of citizen education in increasing the validity of citizen science data

22 Sep 2021, 13:30
Viktoria Hotel

Viktoria Hotel

Skansegata 1, 4006 Stavanger
Citizenship, citizen participation and citizenship education in the development of Smart and Sustainable Cities: Environmental, science and technology perspectives. Parallel session 2


Dr Maryam Moghadami (Tehran university)


One way to get people involved in citizen science projects is to educate them. Without sufficient training, volunteers will not be able to play an effective role in a citizen science project. The data collected by them will not have enough credibility and quality. For this purpose, in a study, education as an intervening variable was examined. The volunteers were divided into two groups. Group 1 and Group 2. volunteers in group 1 received sufficient training in data collection, tools, and metrics, but Group 2 participated in the citizenship project without any training. Validation of the data of both groups showed that the quality of data collected by the volunteers who received basic training was 30% higher than the volunteers who did not receive any training. The results of this study show that educating citizens is an important and essential element before entering citizen science projects. To improve the quality and validity of citizens data, volunteers should be taught guidelines, guidelines, tools, methods, techniques, and practices.
Citizen science, participatory science, education, credibility, quality, data

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Primary author

Dr Maryam Moghadami (Tehran university)

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