22 September 2021
Viktoria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Enabling timely and private data retrieval in Testbed Kungagatan: Using sound towards deriving situational awareness

22 Sep 2021, 13:10
Viktoria Hotel

Viktoria Hotel

Skansegata 1, 4006 Stavanger
Enabling Smart Cities: From current communication technologies to 5G and beyond Parallel session 2


Prof. Vangelis Angelakis


Testbed Kungsgatan is an open IoT platform for research and experimentation originally deployed in a commercial street at the center of Norrköping in Sweden. Designed with a focus on supporting a digital twin of the mobility of the street, the Testbed has had to address multiple technical and non-technical problems. With a focus on the flexibility of services that can be supported by our platform, we designed and implemented for this testbed a light-weight middleware. Using it to enable computation at the edge, we are able to provide privacy-preserving information retrieval, while at the same time setting trade-offs between the data transmitted and the age of the information. In this presentation, we discuss how the requirements arising from different use cases involving traffic monitoring set the frequency with which data is collected and transmitted and the impact this has on edge local storage and processing. We then focus on a scenario where the aim is to collect sound from the audible spectrum to derive information about the street conditions, and how our situational awareness can be enhanced combining this data source with additional sources of information.

I am willing and able to travel to Norway unless Covid-19 restrictions prevent me from traveling to Stavanger. YES
GDPR complianced Yes

Primary authors

Prof. Vangelis Angelakis Mr Rasmus Ringdahl (Linköping University) Dr Niklas Ronnberg (Linköping University) Mr Dennis Sundin (Linköping University) Mr Carl Skoglund (Linköping University) Dr Katherine Harrison (Linköping University) Ms Natalie Söderpil Jakauby (Linköping University)

Presentation materials

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