22 September 2021
Viktoria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Business models in energy flexibility and impact assessment for the future of sustainable smart cities

22 Sep 2021, 14:30
Viktoria Hotel

Viktoria Hotel

Skansegata 1, 4006 Stavanger
Towards Climate-Neutral and Socially Innovative Cities Parallel session 3


Mr Farhan Farrukh (Smart Innovation Norway)Mr Bryan Pellerin (Smart Innovation Norway)


The future of smart cities depends upon an efficient and flexible energy system. In order to enable an increasing role of energy flexibility, several Integrated ICT tools are proposed to support the exchange of information and innovative services that support the operation of the electricity network in a context of high penetration of intermittent renewable energy supply. This paper discusses ICT tools designed to assist network operators, flexibility suppliers, and market operators, and make the flexibility markets both efficient and attractive. These tools utilize innovative models and algorithms to facilitate network-aware flexibility market-clearing while giving Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in cities an intelligent prognosis for improved grid operation and investment planning, functionalities provide value to DSOs that can be exploited in today’s electricity system landscape, while the value propositions delivered by the ICT services can increase significantly as flexibility markets mature and are deployed in wide-scale commercial operations. A unique approach to constructing business models and various novel service designs is presented in order to capture flexibility value for market actors and technology providers alike. Finally, a methodology for assessing the impact of these ICT tools is discussed using the 5 helices approach involving multi-actor stakeholders of a sustainable society.

I am willing and able to travel to Norway unless Covid-19 restrictions prevent me from traveling to Stavanger. YES
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Primary authors

Mr Farhan Farrukh (Smart Innovation Norway) Mr Bryan Pellerin (Smart Innovation Norway)

Presentation materials

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