22 September 2021
Viktoria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Climate Change and the Green Sheen: Too shiny it hurts our eyes?

22 Sep 2021, 10:15
Viktoria Hotel

Viktoria Hotel

Skansegata 1, 4006 Stavanger
Open Innovation and Rapid Entrepreneurialism during Crises: the good, the bad, and the ugly Parallell session 1


Prof. Harald N. Røstvik (University of Stavanger - City and Urban Planning)


Greenwashing could be understood as a practice that companies and organisations engage with when (re)branding ideas on the pretence that they contribute to environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. Usually, such organisations are hiding or distracting attention away from unsustainable operations.
This presentation identifies the extent of greenwashing in society. Specifically, it explores how data and information can be manipulated to turn negative conceptions of a sector/company/brand into a caricature of benevolent self-sacrifice.
Sunglasses recommended.

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I am willing and able to travel to Norway unless Covid-19 restrictions prevent me from traveling to Stavanger. YES

Primary author

Prof. Harald N. Røstvik (University of Stavanger - City and Urban Planning)

Presentation materials

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