Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021

With the Corona pandemic far from over and the prospect for a return to a perceived normal only at the end of 2021, the organizers of the 14th Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum conference have decided to postpone the in-person conference in Stavanger, Norway to August 1st - 6th, 2022 (see the ConfXIV webpage) .

At the same time the community is weathering the storm and those of us who are privileged enough can uphold their research activities. To keep the momentum of the community alive and to further exchange among practitioners in the field amidst limited options for travel, we thus invite you to join our virtual event from August 2nd-6th 2021. In the spirit of the QCHS conference series it will feature plenary talks, roundtable discussion and parallel contributed talks. Its schedule will consist of a program of reduced length of 4 hours each day, staggered from day to day, in order to accommodate a global audience.

Latest information

We will start each day with a social gathering in the digital venue before the start of the scientific program. 

Start Mon & Fri 21:00h (JPN) - 14:00h (EU) - 8:00h (US East)
Start Wed            20:30h (JPN) - 13:30h (EU) - 7:30h (US East)
Start Tue & Thu. 13:00h (JPN) - 06:00h (EU) - 0:00h (US East)

Due to the Covid pandemic the event takes place at a digital venue, based on the platform. All registered participants have been sent an email containing access information to the venue.

Through the digital platform you can discuss and network with your colleagues before, after and in between the talks. At the same time the digital venue allows you to connect to the plenary talks, parallel talks and round-table discussions, which take place on zoom (see below for room list).

When entering any of the rooms of the venue, please "press the x key" on your keyboard to join the corresponding zoom session (a zoom link will be shown, click the link to join).

Plenary sessions can be accessed via the main auditorium

Parallels of track A can be accessed via the main auditorium

Parallels of track B-H + focus subsection can be accessed via the correspondingly labelled rooms.

- (Exception:) Parallel VIII of track B and track D on Friday take place in room G

- The round-table discussions can be accessed via the main auditorium

We ask participants to hold your questions until the end of each talk. In the allotted question & answer time at the end of each talk you can either use the raise hand feature of zoom or write your question into the chat. The scientific chair of each session will then read your question (chat) or call you up (raise hand). Longer discussions are most conveniently conducted after the talks in the digital venue.

Please note that we will record all zoom sessions. To avoid being visible in the video, you can decide to "join without video" when entering the zoom session.

For further information on the use of the digital venue please have a look at the following instruction video: 

There is a dedicated help desk available during the main hours of the conference, where you can get help with usage of the digital venue. If you have any technical questions regarding the digital venue, you can contact the help desk via email during the conference also: 

For those of you who have signed up for the introduction to HEP masterclass outreach program. It will take place on Tuesday August 3rd 17:30h (JPN) - 11:30h (EU) - 5:30h (US East) starting off with two introductory plenary presentations accessible from the main auditorium.

The individual demonstrations will be held in the following parallel rooms:

ATLAS Z                                -               Room B
ALICE Strangeness            -               Room C
Belle II                                   -              Room D
CMS                                       -               Room E
MINERvA                             -               Room F
ALICE RAA                            -              Room G
Particle Therapy                -              Main Auditorium


We are looking forward to virtually welcome all of you next week.

With best regards 
on behalf of the local organizers
Alexander & Nora
