Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Quark Gluon Vertex from N_F=2 Lattice QCD

Aug 5, 2021, 9:40 AM


Parallel contribution G: Strongly Coupled Theories Parallels Focus Subsection


Dr Ayse Kizilersu (University of Adelaide)


We study the quark-gluon vertex in the limit of vanishing gluon momentum using lattice QCD with 2 flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions, for several lattice spacings and quark masses. We fi?nd that all three form factors in this kinematics have a signi?cant infrared strength, and
that both the leading form factor ?1, multiplying the tree-level vertex structure, and the scalar,
chiral symmetry breaking form factor ?3 are signi?cantly enhanced in the infrared compared to the
quenched (Nf = 0) case. These enhancements are orders of magnitude larger than predicted by
one-loop perturbation theory. We ?nd only a weak dependence on the lattice spacing and quark

Primary author

Dr Ayse Kizilersu (University of Adelaide)


Dr Jonivar Skullerud (University of Ireland Maynooth) Dr Orlando Oliveira (University of Coimbra) Dr Andre Sternbeck (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena) Dr Paulo Silva (University of Coimbra)

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