Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Nuclear Physics from D-branes in string theory

Aug 2, 2021, 5:20 PM


Parallel contribution G: Strongly Coupled Theories Parallels Track G


Takeshi Morita (Shizuoka University)


The connection between QCD and string theory is expected through the gauge/gravity correspondence. Particularly, it predicts that the baryons are discribed by D-branes. (This relation is analogous to the Skyrmion model where the baryons are obtained as solitons, since D-branes are also solitons in string theory.) In this talk, I will review how the D-branes behave as baryons, and discuss our attempt to obtain the nuclear states such as Deuteron and Helium from the branes.

Primary author

Takeshi Morita (Shizuoka University)

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