Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Tensor Renormalization Group for interacting quantum fields

Aug 3, 2021, 9:00 AM


Parallel contribution H. Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century Parallels Track H


Esperanza Lopez (IFT-Madrid)


We present a new tensor network algorithm for calculating the partition function of interacting quantum field theories in 2 dimensions. It is based on the Tensor Renormalization Group (TRG) protocol, adapted to operate entirely at the level of fields. This strategy was applied in Ref.[1] to the much simpler case of a free boson, obtaining an excellent performance. Here we include an arbitrary self-interaction and treat it in the context of perturbation theory. A real space analogue of the Wilsonian effective action and its expansion in Feynman graphs is proposed. Using a λφ4 theory for benchmark, we evaluate the order λ correction to the free energy. The results show a fast convergence with the bond dimension, implying that our algorithm captures well the effect of interaction on entanglement.

Primary authors

Esperanza Lopez (IFT-Madrid) German Sierra (IFT-MAdrid) Manuel Campos (IFT-Madrid)

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