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2–6 Aug 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Spectroscopic Properties of Light Strange Baryons

6 Aug 2021, 14:30
(Note) Room G (online)

(Note) Room G


Parallel contribution B: Light quarks Parallels Track B


Ms Chandni Menapara (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat)


Hadron spectroscopy is an important tool to study quark dynamics by various hadron properties such as resonance mass, spin, parity, angular momentum, etc. In addition to these, magnetic moments and various possible decay channels are of keen interest to know the intrinsic interaction. A potential model is used to determine these properties for a particular hadron, and the results are compared with experimental findings. Here, a non-relativistic hypercentral Constituent Quark Model has been employed to obtain radial and orbital excited states of light baryons from octet and decuplet families. The potential term consists of Coulomb-like term and confining term taken as linear as well as correction term has been added. So far, the results have been obtained for N, Δ, Ξ, Λ, Σ baryons and compared with available experimental results. Also, Regge trajectories have been plot for the calculated mass and assigned spin-parity to obtain the linear curve. The magnetic moment for the ground state have been evaluated using the effective mass. Some of the light strange baryons have scarce experimental known states. Thus, upcoming experimental facilities such as PANDA are expected to reveal more unknown states which shall give opportunity to corroborate the present findings.

Primary authors

Ms Chandni Menapara (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat) Dr Ajay Kumar Rai (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat, India)

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