6:00 PM
Thermal transitions of dense two colour QCD
Dale Lawlor
(National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
6:20 PM
Zooming in on Multiquark Hadrons within QCD Sum-Rule Approaches
Wolfgang Lucha
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
6:20 PM
Lepton pair production from a hot and dense QCD medium in presence of an arbitrary magnetic field
Aminul Islam Chowdhury
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6:20 PM
Lattice QCD with an inhomogeneous magnetic field background
Adeilton Dean Marques Valois
(Bielefeld University)
6:20 PM
Bethe‒Salpeter Bound-State Solutions: Examining Semirelativistic Approaches
Wolfgang Lucha
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
6:40 PM
Equation of state from complex Langevin simulations
Benjamin Jaeger
(University of Southern Denmark)
6:40 PM
Coherent pion photoproduction on spin-zero nuclei
Viacheslav Tsaran
(JGU Mainz)
6:40 PM
Reducing the Sign Problem using Line Integrals
Rasmus Larsen
6:40 PM
What is hiding under the $D\bar{D}$ threshold?
Oleksandra Deineka
(Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)
6:40 PM
Charm quark production in hot QCD
Valeriya Mykhaylova
(University of Wroclaw)
7:00 PM
The three-gluon vertex from quenched-lattice QCD in Landau gauge
Feliciano de Soto Borrero
(Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
7:00 PM
Deconfinement in pure gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills theory: the ghost propagator
Paulo Silva
(University of Coimbra)
7:00 PM
Proton hot spots and exclusive vector meson production
Sami Demirci
(University of Jyväskylä)
7:00 PM
Asymptotic freedom using a gluon mass as regulator
Juan José Gálvez-Viruet
(Universidad de Granada)
7:20 PM
The PbPb hadronic cross section and the nucleon width in Trajectum
Wilke van der Schee
7:20 PM
Testing the multiplicity limit on the collective flow measurements in small system
Anna Önnerstad
(University of Jyväskylä)
7:20 PM
Critical fluctuations of QCD phase transitions and their related observables
Toru Nishimura
(Osaka U.)
7:20 PM
Searches for Mach Cone signal in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Maxim Virta