10–12 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

A non-Lorentzian Approach to non-Lagrangian CFT's - Neil Lambert (King's College London)

11 Aug 2022, 10:30
Kjølv Egelands Hus, room E-102 (University of Stavanger)

Kjølv Egelands Hus, room E-102

University of Stavanger


We discuss interacting five-dimensional gauge theories with an OSp(6|4) symmetry group - same as ABJM - but with the role of spacetime and R-symmetries interchanged. These are obtained by a conformal compactification of six-dimensional SCFT’s and admit towers of Omega-deformed instantons that reproduce the KK spectrum. The SU(1,3) spacetime symmetry places interesting constraints on the correlation functions which can be used to reconstruct the six-dimensional correlators. In the limit that the Omega-deformation is turned off one recovers the standard DLCQ construction and associated Schrodinger Symmetry.

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