4:00 PM
Impact of the noise knowledge uncertainty for the science exploitation of cosmological and astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background with LISA
Martina Muratore
(Potsdam-Hannover (AEI))
4:15 PM
Recovering Primordial Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds in the LISA Global Fit
Robert Rosati
(NASA - Marshall)
4:30 PM
Doppler-boosted anisotropies of SGWB and LISA: a lever of separation from instrumental and confusion noise.
Henri Inchauspé
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universität Heidelberg)
4:45 PM
Reconstructing phase transitions from future LISA data
Deanna Hooper
(University of Helsinki)
5:00 PM
Computation of stochastic background from extreme mass ratio inspiral populations for LISA
Federico Pozzoli
(Università dell'Insubria, Como)
5:15 PM
Parity violation from anisotropies in gravitational waves V modes
Giorgio Orlando