Jun 5 – 9, 2023
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

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The 10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop will take place at the University of Stavanger on June 5th-9th, 2023.

The workshop aims at gathering the LISA CosWG community after the break due to the Covid pandemic. The goal is to review the recent progress in cosmology relevant to LISA and initiate collaborative projects to investigate new directions and tackle open problems in LISA cosmology.

The discussed topics include:

  • Predictions for SGWBs from the early universe
  • Detection of stochastic backgrounds and foregrounds
  • Characterization of isotropic and anisotropic SGWB components
  • Standard sirens and cosmological tests of the late universe
  • Cosmological probes of general relativity and non-standard paradigms
  • Primordial black holes and dark matter
  • Gravitational-wave lensing
  • Structure formation

Around half of the time will be dedicated to the CosWG collaborative projects.

The registration remains open until May 3rd. A 600 NOK (~60 euros) contribution for lunches and coffee breaks is requested for in-person participants.

The workshop is restricted to LISA CosWG members.
Non-LISA members interested in the workshop should apply for membership, but due to the time delays in the application process, they should apply as soon as possible and definitely some months before the registration deadline. For instructions on the LISA application, see here https://signup.lisamission.org/.


The workshop is supported by the ROMFORSK grant Project. No. 302640 “Gravitational Wave Signals From Early Universe Phase Transitions”.

University of Stavanger
University of Stavanger, Math&Physics Department, Building "UiS Kjølv Egelands Hus", Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger