19–21 Jun 2024
NTNU Ålesund Campus
Europe/Oslo timezone

On instabilities of perturbations in some homogeneous color-electric and -magnetic backgrounds in $SU(2)$ gauge theory.

20 Jun 2024, 10:00
Naftadjupet (NTNU Ålesund Campus)


NTNU Ålesund Campus

Busses 1 and 12 from Ålesund Rutebilstasjon to Campus Ålesund
Plenary presentation Plenary presentations


DIVYARANI C G (University of Stavanger)


We consider the instabilities of field perturbations around a homogeneous background color-electric and/or -magnetic field in SU(2) pure gauge theory. We investigate a number of distinct cases of background magnetic and electric fields, and compute the dispersion relations in the linearised theory, identifying stable and unstable momentum modes. In the case of a net homogenous non-abelian $B$-field, we compute the non-linear (quadratic and cubic) corrections to the equation of motion, and quantify to what extent the instabilities are tempered by these non-linearities.

Abstract the gauge field instabilities in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) arise from fluctuations in the color fields associated with the strong force. ie, Fluctuations in the distribution of color charges result in fluctuations in the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields which generates unstable modes. These instabilities can occur due to variations in the color current distribution and result in non-uniformities in the color magnetic field. We conduct a detail investigation on such gauge field instabilities in pure SU2 gauge thoery.

Primary authors

Prof. Anders Tranberg (University of Stavanger) DIVYARANI C G (University of Stavanger)

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