19–21 Jun 2024
NTNU Ålesund Campus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Gravitational wave echoes: an introduction

20 Jun 2024, 11:00
Naftadjupet (NTNU Ålesund Campus)


NTNU Ålesund Campus

Busses 1 and 12 from Ålesund Rutebilstasjon to Campus Ålesund
Plenary presentation Plenary presentations


Mr Vegard Undheim (University of Stavanger - TN - IMF)


The talk will aim at an introduction to the topic of gravitational wave echoes, which are gravitational waves reflected from the surface of black holes (then by mechanism of some quantum effect), or some alternative to black holes known as Exotic Compact Objects (ECO).

Abstract The talk will aim at an introduction to the topic of gravitational wave echoes, which are gravitational waves reflected from the surface of black holes (then by mechanism of some quantum effect), or some alternative to black holes known as Exotic Compact Objects (ECO).

Primary author

Mr Vegard Undheim (University of Stavanger - TN - IMF)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.