19–21 Jun 2024
NTNU Ålesund Campus
Europe/Oslo timezone


20 Jun 2024, 11:20
Naftadjupet (NTNU Ålesund Campus)


NTNU Ålesund Campus

Busses 1 and 12 from Ålesund Rutebilstasjon to Campus Ålesund
Plenary presentation Plenary presentations


Anders Kvellestad (University of Oslo)


Gaussian processes regression provides a principled Bayesian approach to regression problems. But many applications of GP regression are hampered by the fact that the training time for a naive GP implementation scales as the number of data points cubed. In this talk I will present a new software package, GPTreeO, that enables continual learning with GPs, i.e. a GP regression model that continually adapts to a never-ending data stream, and I will discuss how GPTreeO can be used in computationally expensive parameter estimation studies.

Primary author

Anders Kvellestad (University of Oslo)

Presentation materials

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