19–21 Jun 2024
NTNU Ålesund Campus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter

19 Jun 2024, 15:40
Naftadjupet (NTNU Ålesund Campus)


NTNU Ålesund Campus

Busses 1 and 12 from Ålesund Rutebilstasjon to Campus Ålesund
Plenary presentation Plenary presentations


Halvor Melkild (University of Oslo)


Primordial Black Holes is a particular candidate for Dark Matter. In this talk I will present the case for, and against, Primordial Black Holes and the limits we can set on them today.
In addition, I will discuss how their existence could be probed by considering how Black Holes of asteroid like mass could affect the Neutron Star population at the center of the Milky Way.

Primary author

Halvor Melkild (University of Oslo)

Presentation materials

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