19–21 Jun 2024
NTNU Ålesund Campus
Europe/Oslo timezone

False violations of general relativity

20 Jun 2024, 13:20
Naftadjupet (NTNU Ålesund Campus)


NTNU Ålesund Campus

Busses 1 and 12 from Ålesund Rutebilstasjon to Campus Ålesund
Plenary presentation Plenary presentations


Alex Nielsen


General relativity has proven to be a highly successful theory of gravity since its inception. The theory has passed numerous experimental tests in different regimes. Observable gravitational waves (GWs) originate from regions of spacetime where gravity is extremely strong, making them a unique tool for testing GR, in previously inaccessible regions of large curvature, relativistic speeds, and strong gravity. Since their first detection, GWs have been extensively used to test GR, but no deviations have been found so far. Given GR's tremendous success in explaining current astronomical observations and laboratory experiments, accepting any deviation from it requires a very high level of statistical confidence and consistency of the deviation across GW sources. Here we begin to compile a comprehensive list of potential causes that can lead to a false identification of a GR violation in standard tests of GR on data from current and future ground-based GW detectors. These causes include detector noise, signal overlaps, gaps in the data, detector calibration, source model inaccuracy, missing physics in the source and in the underlying environment model, source misidentification, and mismodelling of the astrophysical population.

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