Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Holographic QCD in the NICER era

Aug 5, 2021, 9:20 AM


Parallel contribution F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallels Track F


Niko Jokela (University of Helsinki)


Holographic techniques are particularly fit to analyzing matter at extreme conditions where QCD matter is strongly coupled. Combining predictions of the holographic model with state-of-the-art effective field theory models of nuclear matter, I construct a family of feasible "hybrid" equations of state which cover both the quark matter and nuclear matter phases. The model predicts, among other things, that the NICER's radius measurement is fully consistent with the absence of quark matter inside massive neutron stars.

Primary authors

Niko Jokela (University of Helsinki) Matti Järvinen (APCTP) Jere Remes (University of Helsinki)

Presentation materials