Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Decays of an exotic 1-+ hybrid meson resonance in QCD

Aug 2, 2021, 5:40 PM


Parallel contribution B: Light quarks Parallels Track B


Jozef Dudek (Jefferson Lab) Jozef Dudek (William & Mary / Jefferson Lab)


We present the first determination of the hadronic decays of the lightest exotic JPC=1-+ resonance in lattice QCD. Working with SU(3) flavor symmetry, where the up, down and strange-quark masses approximately match the physical strange-quark mass giving mπ∼700  MeV, we compute finite-volume spectra on six lattice volumes which constrain a scattering system featuring eight coupled channels. Analytically continuing the scattering amplitudes into the complex-energy plane, we find a pole singularity corresponding to a narrow resonance which shows relatively weak coupling to the open pseudoscalar–pseudoscalar, vector–pseudoscalar and vector–vector decay channels, but large couplings to at least one kinematically closed axial-vector–pseudoscalar channel. Attempting a simple extrapolation of the couplings to physical light-quark mass suggests a broad π1 resonance decaying dominantly through the b1π mode with much smaller decays into f1π, ρπ, η′π and ηπ. A large total width is potentially in agreement with the experimental π1(1564) candidate state observed in ηπ, η′π, which we suggest may be heavily suppressed decay channels.

Primary authors

Jozef Dudek (Jefferson Lab) Jozef Dudek (William & Mary / Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials