Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Holographic approach of the spinodal instability to criticality

Aug 6, 2021, 3:50 PM
(Note) Room G (online)

(Note) Room G


Parallel contribution D: Deconfinement Parallels Track D


Dr Maximilian Attems (CERN)


The spinodal instability is a prime signal for the first-order phase transition with negative speed of sound squared $cs^2$ in the Quantum-ChromoDynamics phase diagram relevant for the RHIC energy scan. In recent studies [1,2], one evolves planar unstable black branes dual to a plasma with a first order phase transition subject to the spinodal instability. Near a critical point the interface between cold and hot stable phases, given by its width and surface tension, features a wider phase separation and a smaller surface tension. Far away from a critical point the formation time of the spinodal instability is reduced. Across softer and harder phase transitions, I demonstrate that mergers of equilibrated peaks and unstable plateaux lead to the preferred final single phase separated solution.


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