Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Instanton-induced effects in light-front wave functions and formfactors

Aug 2, 2021, 5:30 PM


Parallel contribution A: Vacuum structure and confinement Parallels Track A


Prof. Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook University)


Exclusive processes are traditionally described by perturbative hard blocks and
``distribution amplitudes" (DAs), matrix elements of operators of various chiral structure
and twist. One paper (with I.Zahed) calculate instanton contribution to hard blocks, which is
found comparable to perturbative one in few-$GeV^2$ $Q^2$ region of interest. Another paper
aims at comprehensive wave functions of mesons, baryons and pentaquarks. The last ones are
also included as 5-quark component of the baryons. The calculation, using 't Hooft operator,
gives x-dependence and magnitude of the antiquark PDF. It explains long standing issue
of strong flavor asymmetry of antiquark sea. The third paper (also with I.Zahed)is semi-review on
the instanton-sphaleron
processes in QCD and electroweak theories, with emphasis on their possible experimental
observation via double diffractive events at LHC and RHIC.

Primary author

Prof. Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials