Aug 2 – 6, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Quantum Anomalies (in) Matter

Aug 6, 2021, 2:30 PM


Parallel contribution Focus Subsection: Emergent Gauge Fields and Chiral Fermions Parallels Focus Subsection


Karl Landsteiner (IFT-Madrid)


Symmetry is a key concept in physics. Some symmetries exist however only in the classical world and can not be realized in the quantum theory. When this happens we speak of a (quantum) anomaly. The most prominent examples are the triangle anomalies arising the quantum field theory of chiral fermions. In particle physics they explain the short lifetime of the neutral pion, give rise to consistency conditions on gauge theories and allow powerful insight into the low energy
dynamics. Over the last decade it has bee realized that anomalies also give rise to dissipationless transport phenomena in hot and dense relativistic matter. I will review this anomalous transport theory and then discuss how it can be applied to the electronics of Weyl semimetals.

Primary author

Karl Landsteiner (IFT-Madrid)

Presentation materials