21–24 Jun 2021
Universitetet i Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Detecting inflationary gravitational waves with the LiteBIRD satellite

21 Jun 2021, 16:40
Universitetet i Stavanger

Universitetet i Stavanger

Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger
Parallel contribution Subatomær fysikk og astrofysikk Parallelle Foredrag


Ragnhild Aurlien (Universitetet i Oslo)


One of the next big steps in cosmology is the detection of inflationary gravitational waves from the Big Bang. These waves were created from the exponential expansion of the universe, just parts of a nanosecond after its birth. Signals from these ripples in space-time are extremely weak and have proved very hard to detect. One future telescope aiming to detect this signal is the JAXA’s LiteBIRD satellite, planned to be launched in the late 2020s to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) for three years. In this talk I will give an overview of both the cosmology predicting these gravitational waves, and the LiteBIRD mission. I will also show some results from the data analysis algorithms developed at UiO to filter the CMB signal from the rest of the signal components.

Primary author

Ragnhild Aurlien (Universitetet i Oslo)

Presentation materials

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