21–24 Jun 2021
Universitetet i Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Analysis of the stellar origin black hole SGWB detected by LISA

21 Jun 2021, 16:20
Universitetet i Stavanger

Universitetet i Stavanger

Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger
Parallel contribution Subatomær fysikk og astrofysikk Parallelle Foredrag


Paolo Marcoccia (University of Stanvager)


We aim to estimate the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB), generated by a given stellar origin binary black hole (SOBBH) population, on the LISA strain.
We start by simulating a SOBBH catalogue that will simulate as close as possible what the LISA detector would be able to observe at the time of launch, in order to do so, we implement the probability density functions (PDFs) of the last LIGO population inference paper (arxiv 2010.14533) with some small changing due to considerations based on intrinsic differences between the two types of missions.
Given the SOBBH catalogue, we estimate the SNR of the sources by estimating their resulting strain on the detector and compare them with the Noise + SGWB curve, we will hence describe the predicted number of sources that would be resolvable and the resulting SGWB after a recursive subtraction of the resolvable sources for any given SNR threshold.
We compare our prediction with the present-stage analytical estimations of the gravitational wave background.

Primary author

Paolo Marcoccia (University of Stanvager)

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