21–24 Jun 2021
Universitetet i Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Bulk Properties Of One-Dimensional Magnetism in β-VOSO4

22 Jun 2021, 13:50
Universitetet i Stavanger

Universitetet i Stavanger

Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger
Parallel contribution Kondenserte fasers fysikk og atomfysikk Parallelle Foredrag


Mr Chidozie Agu (University of Stavanger (Student))


In this work the β phase of Vanadiumoxosulphate (VI) (β-VOSO4) crystal was used to study the physical properties of low dimensional magnetism in spin ½ chains.
Structural analysis from X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction performed on the sample, confirm that it crystallizes in the Pnma (62) space group. β-VOSO4 has V4+ bounded to six oxygen that gives it an octahedral configuration with one unpaired electron, thus with a total spin 1/2. The V-O-V bound running parallel to the a-axis form a spin ½ chain.
The physical effect of this spin chain on the magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity was examined and it shows that the magnetic moment is isotropic and the intra-chain magnetic interaction is antiferromagnetic. This magnetic behavior has a significant effect on the susceptibility and heat capacity at temperatures below 60K. The magnitude of the magnetic exchange interaction between the spins was calculated to range from 45.4 K to 43.9K from fits to the magnetic susceptibility.

Primary author

Mr Chidozie Agu (University of Stavanger (Student))

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