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21–24 Jun 2021
Universitetet i Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

EISCAT_3D Radar for Upper Atmospheric and Near-Earth Space Research

21 Jun 2021, 14:30
Universitetet i Stavanger

Universitetet i Stavanger

Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger
Plenary presentation Rom-, plasma- og klimafysikk Plenumforedrag


Prof. Mann Ingrid (Department of Physics and Technology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway)


EISCAT_3D is a multi-static phased array radar system for observations of the upper polar atmosphere and near-Earth space. It measures the incoherent scatter of electromagnetic waves by free electrons in the upper atmosphere, i.e. the ionosphere. The electrons couple to ions and charged dust through plasma oscillations and to the neutral particles through collisions. These couplings determine the frequency spectrum of the scattered waves. As a result, the incoherent scatter can be used to study a broad range of space plasma phenomena, including aurora. The electron densities, electron and ion temperatures, and ion vector velocities can be reliably derived from the observed spectra. These ionospheric parameters can be measured at heights ranging from at least 80 to 600 km to study the variable effects of solar and cosmic conditions on the ionosphere. In addition to the ionospheric incoherent scatter spectra, EISCAT_3D will measure and determine vertical and horizontal winds, static stability, parameters for atmospheric waves, atmospheric turbulence, atmospheric vorticity, meteor head echoes and trails, mesospheric dust properties and atmospheric layer boundaries. EISCAT_3D will be operational for users at the end of 2022 with the goal to study the upper polar atmosphere during at least two solar cycles. The measurements are important for studies related to understanding the physics of the upper atmosphere and its interaction with space, and for understanding the coupling between the different heights of the atmosphere and their influence on Earth’s climate. The measurements are relevant for understanding space weather, which comprises the variable effects of solar and cosmic conditions on the ionosphere and its effects on technologies on Earth, such as the accuracy of GPS tracking. The project will also carry out space debris observations to aid in tracking the many objects orbiting the Earth.

EISCAT_3D is part of the international EISCAT Scientific Association that operates radar installations on Svalbard and on the Fenno-Scandinavian northern mainland. EISCAT is registered as a Swedish foundation and is currently funded by research councils and institutions in China, Finland, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. EISCAT_3D is landmark project of ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure. The EISCAT_3D Norway project is supported by researchers at UiT, UiB, UiO, NTNU, UNIS, Andøya Space Center and UiT as project coordinator. The Norwegian investment into EISCAT-3D is funded by Research Council of Norway Project 245683.

Primary authors

Prof. Mann Ingrid (Department of Physics and Technology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway) Dr Devin Huyghebaert (Department of Physics and Technology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway)

Presentation materials

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