The recent unveiling of updated g-2 measurements by Fermilab has intensified the interest in this exciting area of precision physics among many physicists. To provide a sober assessment of the impact of these new measurements, we are organizing a virtual NPACT seminar at the University of Stavanger on Thursday April 22nd from 11:00h – 14:15h. The seminar will feature four key speakers: one colleague who is member of the Fermilab muon g-2 collaboration (Prof. Martin Fertl), one colleague working in data-driven approaches to the muon g-2 (Prof. Gilberto Colangelo), one colleague from the lattice QCD community working on the muon g-2 (Dr. Bálint Tóth) and one colleague from the BSM community (Prof. Andreas Crivellin).
This topical seminar welcomes physicist from all research areas, i.e. not necessarily from particle or nuclear physics. To accommodate such an audience we have allotted 40 minutes to each of the presentations. A 30 minutes panel discussion is scheduled at the end of the seminar, which allows discussions among practitioners and experts in the field.
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please register vis this indico page. In order to avoid cyber vandalism, the zoom link will be sent to all participants registered on indico via email shortly before the start of the seminar.
You can find a link to the recording of the seminar in the materials section below. Note that due to a technical problem the first talk failed to be included in the recording.