30 May 2022 to 3 June 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Conformal transformations of Cahen-Wallach spaces.

1 Jun 2022, 09:00



Thomas Leistner (University of Adelaide)


We study conformal transformations of indecomposable Lorentzian symmetric spaces of non-constant sectional curvature, the so-called Cahen-Wallach spaces. We will present the following results: When a Cahen-Wallach space is conformally curved, its conformal transformations are homotheties. Using this we show that a conformal transformation of a conformally curved Cahen-Wallach space is essential if and only if it has a fixed point. Then we explore the possibility of properly discontinuous groups of conformal transformations acting with a compact orbit space on a conformally curved Cahen-Wallach space. Here our result is that any such group cannot centralise an essential homothety and that for Cahen-Wallach spaces of imaginary type must be contained within the isometries.
This is joint work with Stuart Teisseire (University of Auckland).

Primary author

Thomas Leistner (University of Adelaide)

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