Jun 6 – 8, 2023
Europe/Oslo timezone

Venue information

Dear participants,

if you are taking part in the Nordic Lattice meeting in-person, we hope that you have a safe trip to Stavanger. When you arrive at the UiS campus by bus, you will do so either at the UiS vest bus stop (west) or UiS ved Kjølv Egelands hus bus stop (north) or UiS øst (east) bus stop (east). Each of the three are indicated on the map below and arrows guide you to the nearest entrance of the Kjølv Egelands building in which the event is hosted.

Once you enter the Kjølv Egelands building, you will find the auditorium KE-A 204 on the second floor, as indicated in the map below. It is located just above the cafeteria, where you can grab lunch before the beginning of the event (note that lunch is not covered by the organisers).

Those of you who have registered and are participating remotely have received the zoom access link via email.

With best regards,
Alexander & Anders