Cosmic redshift drift in gravitational waveforms

23 May 2024, 14:00
KE A-204

KE A-204

University of Stavanger
Contributed talk


Asta Heinesen (Niels Bohr Institute)


For a merger located at a constant redshift, the redshift of the merger is degenerate with the chirp mass of the system in the measured waveform. However, when the redshift can no longer be considered a constant over the duration of the merger in band, this degeneracy is broken. When the Universe undergoes accelerated expansion, the redshift to sources will grow in time, a signal that is in principle detectable in gravitational waveforms through a drift in the measured frequency of the system. The effect is tiny, however, since the expected frequency drift due to accelerated expansion is expected to be of order the Hubble constant for mergers at cosmological distances. It thus requires extremely precise measurements of gravitational waves to observe the drift, and the signal is a priori too small to be observed with the next generation of detectors. I am interested in ways of analysing waveforms that may amplify the signal.

Primary author

Asta Heinesen (Niels Bohr Institute)

Presentation materials