5–9 Jun 2023
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Recovering Primordial Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds in the LISA Global Fit

7 Jun 2023, 16:15
University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger, Math&Physics Department, Building "UiS Kjølv Egelands Hus", Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger


Robert Rosati (NASA - Marshall)


Primordial stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds in the LISA band could have been generated from cosmic inflation, an early phase transition, or a myriad of other dynamic processes. Any detection would almost certainly provide the earliest constraints on cosmology. But the rich science potential of these signals does not come for free: LISA's band will be signal-dominated at all times. The galactic binary foreground, as well as extra-galactic binary coalescences will be so dense in time and frequency that a simultaneous, global fit of all signals in the LISA band is necessary for unbiased parameter estimation. In this talk I will describe the prototype global fit pipeline in development at NASA, focusing on our stochastic search. We parametrize known backgrounds with frequency-domain templates, including a large library of potential sources. We are able inject and recover many of these primordial backgrounds on top of the Sangria LISA Data Challenge, setting limits on cosmology even in the presence of the galactic foreground.

Primary authors

Robert Rosati (NASA - Marshall) Tyson Littenberg (NASA - Marshall)

Presentation materials