5–9 Jun 2023
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Gravitational Wave Propagation Beyond GR

6 Jun 2023, 09:00
University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger, Math&Physics Department, Building "UiS Kjølv Egelands Hus", Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger


Tessa Baker (Queen Mary University of London)


Departures from General Relativity impact the propagation of gravitational waves (GW) in multiple ways. I’ll explain the theoretical underpinnings of these phenomena, and how they connect to potentially observable features of waveforms. I’ll review the current status of constraints on modified GW propagation, and outline how LISA and other detectors are expected to enhance these bounds.

Primary author

Tessa Baker (Queen Mary University of London)

Presentation materials