5–9 Jun 2023
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Status of hydrodynamical simulations of early universe phase transitions

8 Jun 2023, 14:10
University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger, Math&Physics Department, Building "UiS Kjølv Egelands Hus", Kristine Bonnevies vei 22, 4021 Stavanger


David Weir (University of Helsinki)


Excellent progress has been made in developing high-level modelling of the gravitational wave power spectrum from early universe phase transitions. This progress has been made possible in part by large-scale simulations of bubble collisions. However, challenges remain, particularly in understanding and modelling the development of nonlinearities, including shocks and turbulence, which become increasingly important for strong phase transitions. Phenomena such as hot droplets can also affect the outcome of the phase transition. I will present the results of recent relativistic hydrodynamical studies of nonlinear effects encountered during and after first-order thermal phase transitions, and discuss how the results can inform theoretical understanding and future analytical models of the resulting gravitational wave power spectra.

Primary author

David Weir (University of Helsinki)

Presentation materials