4–6 Dec 2023
Kjølv Egelands hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Quantum corrections from quotient geometry

4 Dec 2023, 13:00
1h 30m
E-102 (Kjølv Egelands hus)


Kjølv Egelands hus


Prof. Victoria L. Martin


Recent years have seen a growing interest in fleshing out connections between black holes and number theory. Here we review a body of work that develops a new method of studying quantum corrections on quotient manifolds which uses the quotient group structure alone. The method involves building a Selberg-like zeta function for a given quotient, and showing with relative ease that this zeta function is directly related to the regularized scalar 1-loop partition function on the spacetime of interest. Further, the zeros of the Selberg zeta function label the scalar quasinormal modes. We discuss many future directions and applications of this program.

Presentation materials