4–6 Dec 2023
Kjølv Egelands hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Classifying large N limits of adjoint multi-scalar theories by algebra

6 Dec 2023, 11:50
E-102 (Kjølv Egelands hus)


Kjølv Egelands hus

Campus Ullandhaug


Nadia Flodgren


We initiate a new approach to RG flows especially adapted to 4D QFT with multiple scalars and show that one-loop flows can be described in terms of a commutative but non-associative algebra. As an example, we study the algebra of a multi-scalar theory with M SU(N) adjoint scalars. The algebraic tools of idempotents and Kowalevski exponents can be used to characterize the RG flow in the area of weak scalar couplings. Using these tools we classify all large N limits of these algebras: the standard ‘t Hooft limit, a ‘multi-matrix’ limit, and an intermediate case with extra symmetry and no free parameter. The algebra identifies these limits without the need of diagrammatic or combinatorial analysis.

Presentation materials