4–6 Dec 2023
Kjølv Egelands hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Does TTbar reproduce 2d Gravity: an Operator algebra approach

4 Dec 2023, 16:40
E-102 (Kjølv Egelands hus)


Kjølv Egelands hus


Rahul Poddar


TTbar deformations are irrelevant deformations of 2d quantum field theories defined by the determinant of the stress tensor. Recent work on the TTbar deformation has shown that it can be written as a flat space version of JT gravity coupled to the undeformed theory. Furthermore, the TTbar deformation renders the deformed theory non-local. Recently, it has been shown that AdS2 JT gravity plus matter has a von Neumann factor of type II, where one can define a normalizable trace functional and compute quantities like entanglement entropy and define density matrices. Whereas, non-gravitational relativistic quantum field theory has a von Neumann factor of type III, where none of this is possible without introducing a UV cutoff. In this talk we will be exploring how TTbar deformations effect the von Neumann factor of 2d CFTs, and if they are able to reproduce a supposed signature of gravity: a von Neumann factor of type II. We will explore multiple ways of answering this question, for example a crossed product construction, and spectrum of the deformed modular hamiltonian.

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