1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Composite two-Higgs doublet model from dilaton effective field theory

4 Aug 2022, 14:25
AR V-101 (UiS)

AR V-101


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk G: Strongly Coupled Theories Parallels Track G


James Ingoldby (ICTP (Trieste))


We present a composite two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) constructed using dilaton effective field theory. This EFT describes the particle spectrum observed in lattice simulations of a near-conformal SU(3) gauge field theory. A second Higgs doublet is naturally accommodated within the EFT. Using information from numerical lattice studies of the SU(3) gauge theory with eight fundamental (Dirac) fermions, a viable model with moderate parameter tuning may be built. In the relevant portion of parameter space, we show how the model may be matched to a conventional general description of 2HDMs and comment on the role of custodial symmetry (breaking) in the scalar potential. Contributions to the precision electroweak parameter T provide a possible explanation for the recent measurement of the W-boson mass by CDF II.

Primary authors

James Ingoldby (ICTP (Trieste)) Prof. Maurizio Piai (Swansea University) Prof. Thomas Appelquist (Yale University)

Presentation materials