Aug 1 – 6, 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Scientific Program

Confirmed Plenary Speakers

  • Nora Brambilla (TU-Munich) - "Summary"
  • Vladimir Braun (Regensburg U.) - "Higher Twists"
  • Hee Sok Chung (Korea U.) - "Quarkonium production and polarization: where do we stand?"
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Lyon U.) - "Strong Dark Matter"
  • Zohreh Davoudi (U. Maryland) - "Quantum simulations for QCD: where we are now and what is in reach"
  • Susan Gardner (U. Kentucky) - "QCD and BSM"
  • Nobuo Sato Gonzales (Jefferson Lab) - "Getting ready for the EIC"
  • Lukas Heinrich (TU-Munich) - "New end-to-end optimisation of instruments for particle and nuclear physics applications"
  • Martin Hoferichter (U. Bern) - "Interplay of nuclear physics, effective field theories, phenomenology, and lattice QCD in neutrino physics"
  • Kenta Itahashi (RIKEN) - "What can pionic atoms tell us about the QCD vacuum"
  • Nicolo Jacazio (U. Bologna) - "Heavy ion collisions as a tool: which physics can be explored"
  • Derek Leinweber (Adelaide U.) - "Dynamical fermions, center vortices, and emergent phenomena"
  • Grant Mathews (Notre Dame U.) - "Neutron star mergers and the quark-matter equation of state"
  • Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven Lab) - "Lattice QCD for heavy-ion collisions: Status update"
  • Antonio Pineda (U. Autònoma Barcelona) - "Renormalons, the plaquette, the gluon condensate and all that"
  • Saša Prelovšek (U. Ljubljana) - "QCD confronts heavy flavor and exotic hadrons"
  • Alexander Rothkopf (U. Stavanger) - "Real-time dynamics, inverse problems and lattice simulations"
  • José Peláez Sagredo (U. Complutense Madrid) - "Light meson scattering: spectroscopy and exotics. Where do we stand?"
  • Daniel Salvat (Indiana U.) - "The neutron lifetime problem: where do we stand?"
  • Gerrit Schierholz (DESY) - "Towards a dynamical solution of the strong CP problem"
  • Andrea Shindler (Michigan State U.) - "Gradient flow, perturbative and nonperturbative renormalisation"
  • Dam Thanh Son (U. Chicago) - "Universal properties of neutron rich nuclei near the neutron drip line"
  • Michael Strickland (Kent State U.) - "Non equilibrium evolution of quarkonium in medium in the open quantum system approach"
  • Nazario Tantalo (INFN Rome) - "Non-perturbative calculation of radiative corrections in weak decays"
  • Changzheng Yuan (Institute of HEP) - "Exotic states in the quarkonium sector: status and perspectives”

(and more exciting speakers to be confirmed. Stay tuned!)

Roundtable discussions

Standard Model Anomalies

  • Joaquim Matias (U. A. Barcelona) - moderator
  • Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke U.)
  • Andrea Mauri (U. Zurich)
  • Lukas Varnhorst (U. Wuppertal)
  • Tom Tong (U. Siegen)

Neutron Stars and QCD

  • David Blaschke (U. Wrocław) - moderator
  • Kenji Fukushima (U. Tokyo)
  • Aleksi Kurkela (U. Stavanger)
  • Will Newton (TAMU)
  • Michael Coughlin (U. Minnesota)

QCD Topology and Axions

  • Guido Martinelli (INFN Rome) - moderator
  • Claudio Bonati (U. Pisa)
  • Francesco D'Eramo (U. Padova)
  • Daniel Nogradi (ELTE)

High Precision QCD Frontier

  • Ignazio Scimemi (UC Madrid) - moderator
  • Krzysztof Cichy (Adam Mickiewicz U)
  • YuMing Wang (Nankai U.)
  • Gorazd Cvetic (UT Santa Maria)
  • Timothy Hobbs (Fermilab)
  • Alexander Manashov (U. Hamburg)

Poster session

The poster session takes place on Tuesday August 2nd 2022 between 18:00-20:00h in the Tjodhallen hall in the KE building.

Please note that the poster boards are oriented vertically (portrait) and we kindly ask you to print your poster accordingly.

Campus maps and room information can be found here.