Aug 1 – 6, 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Transfer to Dinner - bus pickup

Dear participants of ConfXV,

We have organised bus transfer for those of you who have signed up to participate in the conference dinner Thursday evening (August 4th).

To prepare, please check that you have the appropriate number of colored pieces of paper in the back of your badge for you and potentially accompanying persons. You are requested to present those pieces of paper to the waiters at the venue to be served the dish of your choice.

There are two opportunities for pickup to get to the dinner venue, one on campus at 18:15h and one in the city center at 18:30h. We have prepared maps below so that you can easily find the busses by the company TIDE. They will use white busses with the letters TIDE written in light green.

1) 18:15h on the campus opposite of the UiS east bus stop

2) 18:30h in the city center at the Bus terminal (Stavanger Byterminalen)

There will be busses leaving the venue at 23:00h which also will stop both in the city center and the campus of UiS.