1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Hybrid stars with large strange quark cores

1 Aug 2022, 16:20
AR Ø-130 (UiS)

AR Ø-130


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallels Track F


Márcio Ferreira (University of Coimbra)


The possible existence of hybrid stars is studied using several multi-quark interaction channels. The hadronic phase consists of an EOS with presently accepted nuclear matter properties and the quark model constrained by the vacuum properties of several light mesons. The dependence of several NS properties on the different quark interactions is analyzed. We show that the present constraints from neutron stars observations allow for the existence of hybrid stars with a large strangeness content and large quark cores.

Primary authors

Constança Providencia (Universidade de Coimbra) Márcio Ferreira (University of Coimbra)

Presentation materials