1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Neutral Charm Mesons are Unparticles!

1 Aug 2022, 16:20
AR Ø-110 (UiS)

AR Ø-110


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk C: Heavy quarks Parallels Track C


Eric Braaten (Ohio State University)


The existence of the X(3872) resonance extremely close to the D∗0 D0-bar threshold implies that neutral charm mesons have an approximate nonrelativistic conformal symmetry. Systems consisting of these mesons with small kinetic energies produced in a short-distance reaction are unparticles that can be created by an operator with definite scaling dimensions in a nonrelativistic conformal field theory. There is a scaling region in which their energy distribution has power-law behavior with an exponent determined by the scaling dimension of the operator. The unparticle associated with two neutral charm mesons produces a peak in the recoil momentum spectrum of K± in inclusive decays of B±. The scaling dimensions of the unparticles associated with three neutral charm mesons are calculated. They can be determined experimentally by measuring the invariant mass distribution for X D0 in prompt production at the Large Hadron Collider.

Primary author

Eric Braaten (Ohio State University)

Presentation materials