1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

On the mixed 0-form/1-form anomaly in the Hilbert space: pouring new wine into old bottles

1 Aug 2022, 14:30



Main auditorium where also plenaries are held
Parallel Talk A: Vacuum structure and confinement Parallels Track A


Andrew Cox (University of Toronto)


In this talk I will discuss how mixed 0-form/1-form anomalies arise in the Hilbert space of gauge theories in 4d for arbitrary gauge group. I will show how the anomalies reveal an exact degeneracy of states for an arbitrary torus size. Finally, I will discuss some of the implications of our results for semiclassics, the infinite volume limit, and dualities.

Primary author

Andrew Cox (University of Toronto)

Presentation materials