1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Unitarization of infinite range forces, resonances in gravitational scattering of gravitons and scalars: The graviball

5 Aug 2022, 16:30
AR V-101 (UiS)

AR V-101


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk G: Strongly Coupled Theories Parallels Track G


José Antonio Oller Berber (Universidad de Murcia)


We study graviton-graviton scattering in partial-wave amplitudes after unitarizing their Born terms. In order to apply S-matrix techniques, based on unitarity and analyticity, we introduce an S-matrix associated to this resummation that is free of infrared divergences. This is achieved by removing the diverging phase factor calculated by Weinberg that multiplies the S matrix, and that stems from the
virtual infrared gravitons. A scalar graviton-graviton resonance with vacuum quantum numbers is obtained as a pole in the nonperturbative S-wave amplitude, which we call the graviball. Its resonant effects along the physical real-s axis may peak at values substantially lower than the UV cutoff squared of the theory. For some scenarios, this phenomenon could have phenomenological consequences
at relatively low-energy scales, similarly to the σ resonance in QCD. These techniques are also applied to study the gravitational scattering of two massive scalars and its resulting pole content.

Primary author

José Antonio Oller Berber (Universidad de Murcia)

Presentation materials