1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Semiclassical description of confinement via center vortices and anomaly-preserving $T^2$ compactifications

1 Aug 2022, 16:30



Main auditorium where also plenaries are held
Parallel Talk A: Vacuum structure and confinement Parallels Track A


Yuya Tanizaki (YITP, Kyoto)


Confinement of 4d gauge theories is usually the strong-coupling problem, and it is a difficult task to understand even its qualitative features. We are trying to develop its semiclassical understanding based on the idea of volume independence or adiabatic continuity. We conjecture that the strong-coupling regime of many 4d gauge theories is continuously connected to the weak-coupling theories on small $\mathbb{R}^2\times T^2$ with the nontrivial 't Hooft flux. We explicitly confirm the fractional theta periodicity for pure YM and chiral Lagrangian for QCD can be derived in this small $T^2$ regime, which partly justifies our conjecture. We also uncover why this is possible in view of anomaly-preservation of this compactification.

Primary author

Yuya Tanizaki (YITP, Kyoto)

Presentation materials