1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Non-invertible self-duality defects of Cardy-Rabinovici model and mixed gravitational anomaly

2 Aug 2022, 16:40



Main auditorium where also plenaries are held
Parallel Talk A: Vacuum structure and confinement Parallels Track A


Yui Hayashi (YITP, Kyoto University)


We study new symmetries of the Cardy-Rabinovici model and their dynamical applications. The Cardy-Rabinovici model is a 4d $U(1)$ gauge theory with electric and magnetic matters, which is a good playground for studying the dynamics of the Yang-Mills theory with $\theta$ angle. In this model, the electromagnetic $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ self-duality is not realized in a naive way. Still, the $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ transformations become legitimate duality operations by appropriately gauging the $\mathbb{Z}_N$ 1-form symmetry. We construct new noninvertible symmetries from this duality at self-dual points and determine their non-group-like fusion rules. As an application, we can rule out the trivially gapped phase for some self-dual parameters due to a mixed gravitational anomaly of this new symmetry. We also show how the conjectured phase diagram of the Cardy-Rabinovici model is consistent with this anomaly matching condition. This talk is based on arXiv:2204.07440.

Primary authors

Yui Hayashi (YITP, Kyoto University) Yuya Tanizaki (YITP, Kyoto)

Presentation materials